Monday, December 21, 2009

Merry Christmas from Chris and the Barbara A Wood Academy

Well another year and here we are in December.
The students did such wonderful art this week and
I will have to add more later as time permits.
Here is a few from this past Saturday.
Wonderful drawings of an Old Toy Shop and they
will have oil pastels to bring in later to share when
completed from home.
Notice how sensitive the drawings are and I was so
pleased how they achieved such good quality.
Way to go kids and so proud you are showing me
you are listening.

Also we had the 2009, Third Student Art Competition
and it was amazing as we had around 1100 participants.
Over double last years count, and Mrs. Barbara was signing
posters as Mr. Syd (Mrs. Barbs. husband), was greeting the public
and students coming in to view the art.
The theme was to create "Your Imaginary World."
So hard to judge as they were all good!!
Mr. Chris
