Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Summer Polynesian Themed Art in Mr. Chris' class at the Barbara A. Wood Academy of Art

Our Students enjoyed the class with the theme of the tropical south seas as the inspiration in the still life. The big Kahuna and pineapple really got their creative juices going.
Enjoy the results. We think they turned out exceptional.

Student Self Portraits in Chris' Class at the Academy

Self Portraits are no doubt a good subject for Artist. I completed mine this year, and what a challenge! You will find it on my site, www.chrissimpsonfineart.com.
At the Barbara A. Wood Academy of Art we had our students bring a photo of themselves, however the results were so refreshing and different from each student.
In their artwork here, notice the expression and understanding of emotion and how more important this is in art than merely "copying." That can sometimes be a starting place, but eventually we must move on to another level of seeing.
Hope you enjoy these self portraits and you don't want to miss the upcoming blogs and loads of information I will be branching into and making available soon.
Artist and Teacher
Christopher P. Simpson

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Happy Fourth of July everyone from Students of the Academy

Mr. Chris' class wishes you all a Happy and safe 4th
"With God all things are possible"
Matthew 19: 26
Apurva and Cal are so young and they did these in just a few minutes before class was up back in the spring. You don't want to miss the upcoming art and fun projects with summer themes at the Barbara A. Wood academy of Art with Mr. Chris

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Summer Mask Workshop

Recent Summer Workshop:
Students enjoyed the Mask making and the first day of paper mache they built the basic structure. The next they did the painting and were so suprised with the result. We have some excellent artist and Mr. Chris had to have an example so the "Cool cat" with glasses was so fun to create. The paper lends itself to tempera paint so well.
More to come later.